If Ice Cream Hurts My Teeth, Should I Visit My Emergency Dentist?

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Arundelfamdent @ 5:46 pm
Close up of woman trying to eat ice cream with sensitive teeth

You were looking forward to enjoying one of life’s simple pleasures: ice cream. But when you leaned in to take a bite, you were met with a chilling discomfort. The pain you experienced wasn’t a brain-freeze, though – it started in your teeth!

Dental sensitivity can make it difficult to consume hot or cold food and drink. If you’re dealing with a case of tender teeth, you might be wondering whether it’s normal or a reason to visit your emergency dentist. Here’s how you can tell the difference.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Teeth can become sensitive for a number of reasons, ranging from everyday wear and tear to cavities. The bottom line, though, is that something has exposed the touchier parts of your teeth to the elements. What’s important is figuring out what that “something” is. Here are some examples of what could be going on:

  • Your normally tough enamel has weakened, leaving the tender dentin layer vulnerable to uncomfortable sensations. Wear and tear can contribute to enamel erosion, but so can aggressive brushing, dental damage, acidic foods or drinks, and teeth grinding.
  • One or more cavities have eaten a hole through your pearly whites. This can also expose dentin, or in severe cases, your dental nerves.
  • Gum disease doesn’t affect your teeth directly – however, if your gums recede in response to the infection, your dental root will experience more discomfort than it’s supposed to.

Basically, tooth sensitivity can be normal in that it’s a fairly common problem. Your dentist can still help you treat this type, but it might not be considered an emergency. Urgent sensitivity caused by cavities or gum disease can be a much more serious issue and should be taken care of promptly.

Should I Contact My Emergency Dentist?

There are some warning signs of urgent tooth sensitivity, including:

  • Severe pain
  • Distracting discomfort
  • Visible dental damage like cracks or chips
  • Noticeable holes in your teeth
  • Facial swelling
  • Bleeding or red gums
  • Dental abscess
  • Feeling sick or feverish

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, contact your emergency dentist right away so they can diagnose the problem and provide prompt treatment.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t call them if you don’t have these red flags. Your emergency dentist is there to help you maintain your oral health – anytime you’re concerned about your teeth is a good time to dial their number. Once they hear more about the situation over-the-phone, they’ll be able to tell you how urgent the issue is. Don’t hesitate to get some peace of mind and ask them about your dental woes!

About the Dentist

Dr. KwonDuk Jung earned his dental doctorate from the University of New England College of Dental Medicine. To help ensure he provides the best possible care for his patients, Dr. Jung keeps up with the latest dental technologies and research, and actively pursues advanced training courses. As a diligent and skilled dentist, you can trust Dr. Jung to get to the bottom of your dental sensitivity and help you restore your oral health. To contact his office with questions or to request a same-day emergency appointment, call 207-985-3576.

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